Tightly Curated Vintage Clothing & Home Goods

Packed with Luv and a Sense of Perseverance to Fuel Your Journey

Vintage Clothing

Vintage Home Decor

Touched By Vintage



If you have a favorite item that you would like LUVed Up, we can do that. Because we know not everyone is comfortable shopping for vintage online and/or may be able to salvage some things from the back of your own closet if you just knew someone to help… that’s us. We’re the friend.
Whether it’s a sweater or hoodie you would wear more if it had some custom vintage patches, a blazer or jacket that you would like better if it had fun and/or classic elbow patches, or some jeans you’d like distressed and patched up a bit… you name it. As long as it’s flavor you’re looking for, we’ve got you.

Just email us at joannah@lovedupvintage.com and lets chat about it. Also, if you buy classic vintage pieces from us and want them customized, we can do that too. Just purchase your item then email us at the aforementioned address.

Generational Connections

Use our jeans to spark a conversation with your daughters and sons… or if you’re a young adult just discovering these brands, ask your parents about them. Go diving through cherished old photos to find those favorite items that sparked their love of designer jeans, or whatever it was for them. For me, it was that first pair of Gloria Vanderbilts I got in 1979… I was nine years old, and the label whore was born. And our Dior sweaters remind me of my Paw Paw, so they give infinite goodness.

What reminds you of your grandparents and great grandparents? Maybe it’s our home decor that connects you to your ancestors. Collecting antique decanters, teacups, salt and pepper shakers, glassware, wall art… allowing the things that fill your world to bring those connections closer. The energy that flows through the treasures found for LUV is intended to add love, strength and joy to our lives. To open up conversations and keep us all connected to each other… and our pasts.

Let’s Raid Paw Paw’s Closet



All of the beautiful souls featured on our website and socials are the very real and diverse people who live in our orbit. We are a company that prides itself on sustainability as well as inclusion, we hope that everyone will see themselves in our spaces
More About Us

Loved Up

"Vintage pieces that have been slightly altered.

Button-down shirts made to have a more selvedge look, jeans distressed and/or patched, Dior sweaters with elbow patches, neckties altered and/or embellished, and more."

Touched by Love

"Newer garments embellished by vintage pieces.

sweatpants and shirts LUV’d up with patches of vintage fabric"

Straight Up Vintage Love

100% vintage clothing, mended only.

Necktie finds for him/her/they/them, vintage jeans, blazers, tees andour Dior Sweaters"

Loved Up at Home

"Carefully curated pieces full of love and good energy for the home.

Ceramics, glassware, wall art, and more"

A Mission of LUv

The mission of Loved Up is to source goods as ethically as possible. To purchase any new base goods, directly from only the best companies with best practices, or from companies seeking closeout sales before items potentially hit landfills. To find our vintage pieces at small vintage and antique shops, that are independently owned. And when we say this, we mean it. We have touched and felt the energy of each and every vintage item, as its purpose is to enhance the good energy and love in your life, in my life, in our employees’ lives…
To have that wonderful energy continue to move in the world at large.

So, there it is. More clearly put, our mission is to put more love, kindness, compassion, and plain old good energy in the universe. Because everything has energy; the food we eat, the art we collect, the furniture we sit on, the books we read, the water we drink, the things we touch, the people who surround us, the music we listen to, and the clothes we wear… so why not have them work for us, help us in our daily lives and be positive winds at our backs as we move through life.

Seek out the best, most ethical choices, as often as you can. Now we know that is easier said than done, that no life always has the time to think through all decisions thoroughly. All we can do, is the best we can do. But every conscious choice we make, will make it easier the next time. Training our minds not to make reflex decisions, but to give it a moment. Take pause before you purchase, anything. Because with each thoughtful purchase, you are telling the universe, this company represents what I want more of in the world. So, let it be a message of love, good energy and fair trade. Let it be things that make you smile. Things that will enhance your journey, not just serve as a means to an end. Each thing that comes into our lives, is the start of a new beginning. As we begin again with each breath, let it be coming from a body clothed of perseverance and a home set in love and a wish to be your best…
for yourself,
your loved ones,
and the universe.

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